Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Roller coaster ride

Ethan gave us another roller coaster ride during the night. He was not in a good place from about 3am to 10am this morning. But he is much better now. His blood pressure was dangerously low and his extremities were not getting perfused well. Not to mention his oxygen saturations were down again. His sats always drop when his BP is low. They have been giving Ethan blood products and fluids to help balance out all the fluid loss from his chest tube. But by midnight last night he had almost 700mL out for the day. And the chase began. They could not give him fluids fast enough to keep his blood pressure up, and his body started shutting down.

We really appreciate our nurse and docs today. They kept focused on Ethan's core problems even though I was stressing about ALL sorts of stuff. They stayed the course and he is doing much better. But definately not out of the woods yet. I mentioned they stopped feeding him yesterday. His chylous fluid seems to have decreased. However he still is having a LOT of output from his chest tube today. This is because Ethan did his usual. The more blood products/fluid they gave him. . .The more fluid he sent to his lungs (& the rest of his body. He is Puffy!). So alot of the fluid they have been giving him has shifted to his lungs and poured out his chest tube. So we feel once the blood pressure problem is under control then his chest tube output will decrease drastically.

Also, Ethan was given the tPA today (clot buster). It ran over six hours. The venous ultrasound afterward show a patent and open vein (NO CLOT that they could see). I am so grateful! I ran around giving high fives when I got that news. One sweet doctor replied to my celebration by simply saying "It is just good to see a smile on your face mom". It was a good feeling.

We have had soooo much support today. Thank you for all the love and prayers. And thank you my heart friends. I cherish and admire you beyond words!


Sara said...

Wow, Heidi. You guys are sure being put throught the ringer. I'd like to think I'd be as strong as you have been through all of this. I will keep you all and of course, that sweet baby boy, in my prayers.

Natalie Hall said...

I don't even know what to say, except that this is something I could'nt imagine going through. And you my dear, you amaze me with your words, and how strong you keep.

I get put in my place every night. I read your blog and see this trial you and all your loved ones are enduring, and I quickly reevaluate what I think is hard at the time, and quickly snap out of it. Your words inspire me Heidi. I pray for you every minute. That little boy is a complete angel.

Avery said...

I just spent the last while reading up on whats been going on. Last i checked he was recovering from the glenn and doing good. Then I got a text from Molly to pray for Ethan so of course i jumped online to see what was going on. Oh Heidi, What a roller coaster you guys have been on. I'm so sorry for all the setbacks. SO emotionally draining and scary! You will most definatley be in our prayers.. That little man is such a fighter, can't wait til he's back in your arms. I hope it's soon. Praying for good news..
Avery and Tanner

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

When do you have time to sleep, you poor thing! Once again, your positivity continues to amaze me on a regular basis. Let's hope the roller coaster flattens out a bit and you can enjoy some peace and Ethan can feel good. Love you.