Monday, June 8, 2009

Quiet Progress

Ethan has had a quiet few days. We will take it. It seems to be so slow, but its what he needs. His chest x-rays (lungs) are looking a little better everday. His chest tubes are draining, but not tons. He is still on high flow oxygen and has too many "things" attached to him for my liking. But he is nice and stable. I don't have it in me to have high stress days again. We had sooooo many after the first surgery. I will take a slow and steady recovery!


Sara said...

He looks so good, hooked up and all. Hope you are all hanging in there.

jfbast said...

"too many things hooked up to him"?
You are not kidding! Glad he's making progress.

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

I'm so glad the progress is coming, even if it's slow! We continue to keep him in our prayers!