Saturday, June 6, 2009

Extubated (again!)

Ethan got extubated this morning. So far so good. His x-ray still isn't the prettiest so they put him on high flow through the nasal cannula to help with the transition. They had to lower his sedation and wake him up to extubate. I was nervous about this because when they did it the day of surgery he was in obvious pain. But today when he woke up he looked GREAT! He opened his eyes and was looking at me and reaching for me. Then he started looking around, scissor kicking, and trying to coo. Oh it made my day!!! I just pray he can avoid the breathing tube again. From here on out it will just be a waiting game. It will take a couple of weeks for his lung issues to resolve. There will be ups and downs, but hopefully not too many complications come about during this time period.
Loves and Thanks-

1 comment:

Andrea Gunnell said...

That is great news! Hopefully you won't have to see that breathing tube for a long time now. It's wonderful to hear that he is happier too!