Sunday, August 2, 2009


Ethan is struggling today. He started peeing less yesterday and it only got worse today. Plus his fevers have been high and his white blood cell count is up. He was not exchanging his oxygen and carbon dioxide well enough and was laboring very hard to breathe, so they put him on CPAP. That is the annoying head contraption that shoots air up his nose in an annoying rythm. It is probably due to his lungs being wet now that he is retaining fluid and not peeing. And as always, he hates it. So they have had to restrain him.

This all started when they tried weaning his diuretics from a constant IV drip to doses given 3 times a day. Apparently his kidneys did not like the change. He is back on all the big guns via IV again. We just pray he will not have to get reintubated tonight or tomorrow. I don't know if Greg's and my heart can take that. His little body is so fragile and weeks of unknown fevers is not helping!

Thanks for all the love and prayers-


Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...

I'm so sorry Ethan is struggling today. Hoping that the diuretics can do their job so there won't be any need to reintubate. Will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. X

Lacey said...

Ugh, sending good vibes your way that the peeing starts again and he gets that fluid off so he can stay of the vent. Come on baby, I know you can do it.