Ethan is doing very well right now. I wanted to post a picture I took of him last Saturday. He looks so good! When he gets so puffy it is nice to peak at pictures of what he really looks like. Well, his sats are in the 80's. They were last night too. However, this morning he had a bad reaction to a breathing mist they gave him through the ventilator (combined w/ low blood pressure) and his sats dropped into the 60's for awhile. Oh, how I hate the many days we have had looking at 60's! He did well in the OR. They got his central line in the first try (w/ a cut down of course) and were able to remove his old broviac. The broviac has to actually be cut out.
He is very puffy today. They took away the bumex (his heavy diuretic of choice) to give his kidneys a rest, so of course he is not peeing that great. The docs actually want him puffy right now. Something to do with the new heart meds they are going to start him on as soon as his kidney function looks better. His levels are slowly moving in the right direction. It was pretty cute, our nurse gave him a mohawk today. Combined with his new puffy physique, he looked quite like a little bruiser.
The best part of today is that he has been comfortable and sleeping. He is only on precedex and versed. Normally he is also on a ton of fentanyl to help sedate him. So far they have not had to give it too him. It is nice to see him resting and comfy. Alexa also spent the day with me at the hospital. So I guess that makes two things that were the best part of today! It was fun to be one on one and play games with her. She is such a fun girl.
It has been a good, but hard day today. The word has spread through the floor of Ethan's issues. They all love him around here so much. Many have given a hug or given me that sympathy look. And of course, every time I get that look tears fill my eyes. I long for Ethan to be comfortable, at home, enjoying life. I hope that is in the plan for him since no one has brought me the magic wand I have been requesting!
Oh, the sympathy look is a tough one I'm sure. I hate to travel, but I would happily hop a flight to heaven to grab that magic wand. Ethan is very deserving of a magic wand. He's paid his dues and deserves some relaxation at home. I'm so glad he got to rest and recooperate today, after surgery, it's such a bummer how complicated it is to remove those central lines. Sending Love and Continued prayers. :-)
Plus, I'm still trying to negotiate a deal with God to get one of those wands for you.
Love and prayers...
It's amazing how much the doctors are able to do him. I can't believe how they are able to balance this drug versus that drug... so amazing. I thank God that we live in this modern age with the technology we have!
Hello Heidi,
I'm sending all my prayers to Ethan. He is such an adorable baby.
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