Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Good Day

Ethan did great today. The cath went well. His pressures look good and his shunt does not appear to have narrowed anymore since the initial narrowing. Our cardiologist said that he could be ready for the Glenn (next surgery) anytime. So our surgeon has decided, since Ethan is doing so well, to wait until the first week of June to do the surgery. That will give him more time at home, a better chance at getting his trache out, and more time to grow!!! We are sooooo grateful for this news. WE aren't ready to see him go through another major surgery yet. It has been such a blessing to have him at home. Greg and I continue to marvel at Ethan. He is so precious and we are grateful for every moment we have with him, and our other children. We are also grateful to all of you!

The ENT decided not to come until tomorrow to trial the trache. Ethan was still a bit "out of it" in the late afternoon from the anasthesia. He said he will have a better chance of succeeding if we wait a day. He had been through enough with the cath. I really want the trache out, but after spending time on the heart unit today, I am reminded at how blessed we are just to have Ethan progressing as well as he has been. Our prayers go out to many heart babies and families tonight who are having struggles beyond ours. . . We love you and are praying for you. . .


Andrea Gunnell said...

Glad to hear the good news. Good luck with getting the trache out. I'll be thinking about you as his next surgery approaches.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

So happy that he gets more time at home before his next surgery. I will pray today that he does well with the trache out.
Love to you and your family, Wendy